Wednesday, September 15, 2010

La Premiere Semaine

Bonjour fam and friends!!!

First of all I read through my last post and after findin out that so many people are reading this now I have to put out the disclaimer that I just kinda type my thoughts away, so I apologize for bad grammer misspelled words and long rambly sentences....

Anywho... Bonjour de Paris!!!!

It's been a week and it's felt like so much longer and so much shorter all at the same time... if that makes any sense... Either way it's incredibly that I've been here a week! One down, about eleven more to go!!!

Paris is absolutely gorgeous!!! The architecture is ancient and articulate... Walking through our neighborhood is fun just because all the houses are different, but all so beautiful! I actually found out that the house I'm living in is over a thousand years old!! So much for the US's "Founded in 1976" that's found on a lot of buildings. but our house, it's big and white and beautiful. When the cab pulled up to it the first day, my roommate and I stood forever just gawking at the huge wall and gate wondering if this was for real. While we stood there a cute, energetic 13 year old girl came out to greet us and help us into the house. I've heard lots about how everything is smaller in France, which is kind of true, so we weren't expecting much. This house is 3 or 4 stories high with a huge backyard and is literally right across the street from the Seine river! Alexi and I have our own rooms and they're HUGE!! Mine has a little bar in the corner where we put half our food, and the other half we put in OUR fridge!! We share a bathroom with eachother, but it's our bathroom, and we basically get to do anything we want. The monsieur simply said that we were like his daughters, that as long as we were careful and didn't party too late and didn't go around drinking and kissing boys, we were good to do what we pleased!

The family is so nice! The dad is a surgeon.... What kind of surgeon I'm not sure of...BUt he's a surgeon! He's really nice, and is very forgiving of our terrible French. He is very kind, always willing to help us when we need it. The wife is very quiet and sweet. She has made some of the est dinners! They have 5 kids. Their oldest is married and the next youngest is at college, so we haven't really seen them. The next oldest is 17, Tristian. He's the only boy in the family. He has long untamed curly hair and he likes to wear British rock tees. He kind of comes and goes as he pleases, but when we do see him, he is a funny boy. The other two are a 16 year old girl,( .... her name starts with a T... :/ ) and a 13 year old girl, (Lidwine). The youngest girl came out to greet us the first day, and she is very happy and energetic. Jason I think you should check her out on Facebook..... Jk ;) Haha but the girls are very nice and love to help us with our French. :) One night at dinner the Mom kept talking to us in French, and the 17 year old kept telling her that she needed to speak in French so that we could learn. Every time she talked in French T--- would get mad at her and tell her to speak French. It was very funny.

Speaking of speaking French..... it's really hard.... I'm getting better at understanding the people when they talk to me, even though they talk really fast... but I'm still having problems putting words together, remembering the words I need to express what I want to say... It doesn't help that all the music I hear is American... Since we've come, on the radio or around the house we keep hearing songs like Dynamite and Club Can't Handle Me, even a new one by Keisha that I've never heard before (not the Take It Off one). We asked Lidwine for some good French artists, and she couldn't think of anybody. "Well," we said, "What do you listen to?" "La musique Americaine biensur!"Hahaha! Well hopefully I'll find some good artists who speak French so I can really surround myself with French....

For the first week I visited the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, le Pompidou, L'arche de Trioumphe, Champs-Elisees, La Louvre, Le Palais Royale, a good chunk of Chateau-Croissie, and, of course, the Seine. As my dear roommate Lexi often says.... No big! ;)

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